ktgw0316 / LightZone

LightZone is a photo editor for Mac, Windows, and Linux.

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LZ download links? official website down?

sattvakarma opened this issue · comments


where can i download the latest version of LightZone? i cannot find the links on Github here?

and the website at www.lightzoneproject.org is not up for quite a bit of time...months if i recollect right.

any updates on the above will be appreciated.

best regards.


Head to https://github.com/ktgw0316/LightZone

On the right hand side, half way down, you'll find the Releases section - currently the latest is v4.2.4

You can click on that to get instructions and links to assets for various distros.

Oh, and if you're on Debian (recent) you'll get an error with the apt-key gpg stuff, so instead do this:

curl -fsSL https://download.opensuse.org/repositories/home:ktgw0316:LightZone/Debian_Unstable/Release.key > /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/lightzone.asc


I've just added a link for download page in 'Installing' section of the README.md.

Thank you jedd and ktgw0316!