Pipelines support
nikodamn opened this issue Β· comments
Hi! I just wanted to say massive thank you for this tool. It works perfectly, is easy to setup and saves a lot of time. GJ! π
I wanted to ask if Jenkins' pipelines are already supported or maybe do you have it on your roadmap? I tried to extract pipeline into YAML, but it's getting saved as XML. Still this is better then nothing, but I'd be nice to have it in YAML, right? ;)
Sorry for creating an issue which basically is a question, but I couldn't find better place to post it. And again - good job with it π
Thanks Nikodem!
If you provide the YAML that jenkins-job-wrecker generated, it'll give us an idea of what a patch would look like. Even better, if you could provide the entire raw job's XML from the Jenkins master in addition, then we'll have something we could use to drive a test case.
Thanks for the quick reply, @ktdreyer ! Here you are:
- YAML generated by jj-wrecker:
- job:
name: !!python/unicode 'example-pipeline-test'
xml: |-
<flow-definition plugin="workflow-job@2.11">
<actions />
<com.sonyericsson.rebuild.RebuildSettings plugin="rebuild@1.25">
<hudson.plugins.throttleconcurrents.ThrottleJobProperty plugin="throttle-concurrents@1.9.0">
<categories class="java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList" />
<paramsToUseForLimit />
<triggers />
<definition class="org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.CpsFlowDefinition" plugin="workflow-cps@2.31">
<script>// This shows a simple build wrapper example, using the AnsiColorBuildWrapper plugin.
node {
// This is the current syntax for invoking a build wrapper, naming the class.
wrap([$class: 'AnsiColorBuildWrapper']) {
// Just some echoes to show the ANSI color.
stage "\u001B[31mI'm Red\u001B[0m Now not"
<triggers />
- XML from Jenkins config.xml
<flow-definition plugin="workflow-job@2.11">
<com.sonyericsson.rebuild.RebuildSettings plugin="rebuild@1.25">
<hudson.plugins.throttleconcurrents.ThrottleJobProperty plugin="throttle-concurrents@1.9.0">
<categories class="java.util.concurrent.CopyOnWriteArrayList"/>
<definition class="org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.cps.CpsFlowDefinition" plugin="workflow-cps@2.31">
// This shows a simple build wrapper example, using the AnsiColorBuildWrapper plugin. node { // This is the current syntax for invoking a build wrapper, naming the class. wrap([$class: 'AnsiColorBuildWrapper']) { // Just some echoes to show the ANSI color. stage "\u001B[31mI'm Red\u001B[0m Now not" } }
This is the simplest pipeline job only with description and example pipeline script. Thanks in advance!
@nikodamn Just wanted to ping you and let you know that pipeline support has been added π . Let me know if you find any issues/bugs with it.
That's awesome! Thanks, I'll tests it later