kt3k / vinyl-bundle

A gulp friendly module which creates a bundled vinyl stream (WIP)

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

vinyl-bundle v0.4.0 (WIP) Circle CI codecov

A gulp friendly module which creates a bundled vinyl stream


npm install --save-dev vinyl-bundle


const bundle = require('vinyl-bundle')

bundle.src(paths[, options]) works as a stream start point which outputs the bundled scripts using browserify.


gulp.task('js', () => {

  return bundle.src('src/**/*.js')


The second argument of bundle.src(paths[, options]) is passed to (original) browserify and glob-stream.src. See the documents (browserify, glob-stream) for the available options.


gulp.task('js', () => {

  return bundle.src('src/pages/*.js', {detectGlobals: false, base: 'src/'})



Use with Babel

Use bebelify transfrom and create .babelrc.

First you need to install babelify module

npm install --save-dev babelify


gulp.task('js', () => {

  return bundle.src('src/**/*', {transform: 'babelify'})



  "presets": [

Output the sourcemap

Use debug: true option and gulp-sourcemaps plugin.

const bundle = require('vinyl-bundle')
const uglify = require('gulp-uglify')
const sourcemaps = require('gulp-sourcemaps')

gulp.task('js', () => {

  return bundle.src('src/**/*.js', {debug: true})
    .pipe(sourcemaps.init({loadMaps: true})


Transform through the given stream

Use passthrough: true option.

gulp.task('js', () => {

  return gulp.src('src/**/*.js')


    .pipe(bundle.src(null, {transform: 'browserify-istanbul', passthrough: true}))


API reference

const bundle = require('vinyl-bundle')

bundle.src(paths[, options])

  • @param {string|string[]} paths The glob patterns of the paths to build
  • @param {object} [options] The options (this is passed to both browserify and glob-stream)
  • @param {string} [options.cwd] The working directory the folder is relative to. Default is process.cwd().
  • @param {string} [options.base] The folder relative to the cwd. This is used to determine the file names when saving in gulp.dest().
  • @param {boolean} [options.buffer] true iff you want to make file.contents Buffer type. Default true. false makes file.contents Stream type.
  • @param {boolean} [options.sourcemaps] true iff you want files to have sourcemaps enabled.
  • @param {Date|number} [options.since] If you only want files that have been modified since the time specified.
  • @param {string|string[]|etc} [options.transform] The browserify transforms. See browserify's document for details.
  • @param {boolean} [options.debugGlobStream] If set true, then the glob-stream.create works in debug mode and you can see the additional messages.
  • @param {boolean} [options.passthrough] If set true, then this stream works as a duplex stream and input files are bundled. You can use this in the middle of a pipeline. In case you pass paths as null, then this works as a transform stream.
  • The options is directly passed to browserify and glob-stream.create. Please see their documents for the rest of the available options. (browserify, glob-stream)
  • @return {stream.Readable}

Creates a vinyl stream from the given glob patterns and options. Each path in the glob patterns is considered as the entry point of the bundle. The outputs of the stream are bundled scripts.


  • This module supports node.js >= 0.10.




A gulp friendly module which creates a bundled vinyl stream (WIP)


Language:JavaScript 100.0%