ksync / ksync

Sync files between your local system and a kubernetes cluster.

Home Page:https://ksync.github.io/ksync/

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Sync With Kubernetes Persistent Volume

sergioska opened this issue · comments

When i try to sync a local path with a kubernetes persistent volume at the end of the sync process i don't see files on container.
Sync process seems run fine because i can see it on web gui, but at the end directory on cluster is empty.
If i try to run sync operation without persistent volume directly on a path of container, it works fine.


Hi @sergioska . ksync only works with Docker defined and managed volumes at the moment, so it won't work with PVS's unfortunately.

@sergioska we'd love help making it work with volumes if you're up for it! There's a new arch that uses shared pid namespace and ephemeral containers to make the whole thing way more stable.