kstone-io / kstone

Kstone is an etcd management platform, providing cluster management, monitoring, backup, inspection, data migration, visual viewing of etcd data, and intelligent diagnosis.

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kstone-dashboard supports yaml/json files export in visualization tool

lianghao208 opened this issue · comments

Let's say kubernetes cluster stores resources in default namespace.
If users need to get data from default namespace:

  1. Searching for key default in Visualization Tool
  2. The result key would be:
    /{cluster prefix}/{api group name}/{resource name}/default/


Out of curiosity, how could you use the exported data?

This is an example:
Users need to recover data which has been deleted before, and the data has backup in a snapshot.

  1. Create a new cluster from the snapshot.
  2. Import the new cluster into kstone.
  3. Export the data and recreate it in the original etcd cluster to recover.
kubectl create -f exported-data.yaml