ksnip / ksnip

ksnip the cross-platform screenshot and annotation tool

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Text annotations are limited to one line

ModalityZ opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug
When in the annotator and adding a text annotation:

  • Using the Enter key does not introduce a new line
  • Using the resize handles on the text annotation to add vertical space and reduce horizontal space causes the rightmost text to overlap the leftmost instead of wrapping to new lines

To Reproduce
Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Take a screenshot and enter KSnip Annotator
  2. Click on the text tool, then click over the screenshot to begin a text annotation
  3. Use the Enter key to try to introduce a new line. Typing more should appear on the new line.
  4. Type enough text to fill or exceed the available horizontal space, then use the text annotation's resize handles to reduce horitzontal size and increase vertical size. The text inside should word-wrap.

Expected behavior
See expected behavior described in the steps above.


Desktop (please complete the following information):

  • OS: Linux
  • Distribution in case of Linux: Kubuntu
  • Window System in case of Linux: Qt5, X11, KDE Wayland, Gnome Wayland
  • ksnip version: 1.9.2
  • How did you install ksnip: KSnip About shows empty Build. I guess via Snap.

Have you tried ALT + Enter or ALT + Return?

Have you tried ALT + Enter or ALT + Return?

I haven't seen that mentioned in the documentation. But I just tried it. Although I have no shortcuts bound to Alt, once I press that key while typing a text annotation, focus seems to shift to the KSnip toolbar. Typing more characters does not result in their appearing in the text annotation.

I just discovered this wonderful tool for me and did run into the same behaviour, expecting the text to wrap when resizing the text rectangle.
What did work for me as a workaround: using a "soft return" with Shift + Return.
Still, resizing to the shape of a modified rectangle would be my preferred and intuitively expected behaviour.
I am working on Linux (Ubuntu Budgie 22.04) with ksnip version 10.0.1 as flatpak.