ksherlock / ample

Apple Emulator Frontend for MAME

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Download missing ROMs yields "forbidden"

a2geek opened this issue · comments

When I try to download the ROMs via the ROM manager, it shows forbidden. The original URL didn't work so I had to use https://archive.org/download/mame0.224 because I saw it while poking around in the code.

Uncertain if this is useful, but I got 302's via curl due to the Location: header.

What I see in the interface is this:


What I ended up doing is just a shell hack (in case this helps others):

curl --silent https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ksherlock/ample/345d4f3d740c213aac47e59114466c80809e171d/Ample/Resources/roms.plist | grep "<string>" | sed 's/<string>//' | sed 's#</string>##' | tr -d ' ' | xargs -t -I {} -n 1 curl --silent -LO https://archive.org/download/mame0.224/{}.zip

archive.org mame rom uploads have a tendency to randomly disappear. Since it's so inconsistent I assume the original uploader deleted it.

"https://archive.org/download/mame-0.231-merged" with a filetype of 7z might be the most up to date one I see, as of today.

Tried that as well but Ample still gives me a Forbidden error.

The ROMs I downloaded by hand and they work in Ample just fine. Just having issues with the automated download piece.

That's very peculiar. The 0.231 and 0.224 URLs both download succesfully for me.

The console log might have more details.

I launched from the command-line. . . . and it worked. I then deleted the items launched from the desktop and it worked again. No clue what was going on before since I can't replicate what was happening earlier this evening! Is there anything I should look at that may help out? If not, feel free to close. I can't explain it and don't want to waste time if it's just me. I'm on the M1 Pro if that's useful.

I also cannot download any ROMs.

Tried: https://archive.org/download/mame-0.231-merged and https://archive.org/details/mame-merged

I just get "forbidden" from all of them.

Nothing in the log.

Thanks both of you. I found the issue - The internal URL isn't updated until the URL text field loses focus. For now, press tab after changing the URL. The next update will handle it better.

Fixed in Ample 0.238