krschultz / android-proguard-snippets

Proguard configurations for common Android libraries

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add proguard config for circular progress button

iceberg1369 opened this issue · comments

I have included circular progress button to my project. The problem is that once i enable proguard animations does no work properly. I have all kind of proguard config but no success yet. So i would be very appreciated if you find some eay to work around this

yes exactly

I have the same problem!

@HugeTimor proguard seems to strip the progress color set.

To resolve this I had to include the library manually and customize it from the library's color resource.
With respect to my project, i just wanted a white in the progress bar. So I replaced most of the colors with white

<color name="cpb_grey">#ffdedede</color> <color name="cpb_blue">#ffffff</color> <color name="cpb_blue_dark">#ffffff</color> <color name="cpb_red">#ffff4444</color> <color name="cpb_red_dark">#ffcd3a3a</color> <color name="cpb_green">#ffffff</color> <color name="cpb_green_dark">#ffffff</color> <color name="cpb_white">@android:color/white</color>

Hello. Seems like a lot of people is using this library. I'll post my solution for that bug.
Simply add:
-keep class com.dd.** {*;}
to your file