krkarma777 / online-store

SEED: An open-market platform built with JDK 17, Spring Boot, and Oracle DB, focusing on RESTful architecture and secure user experiences.

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Refactor MyPage Controllers for RESTful API, DDD, and TDD Compliance

krkarma777 opened this issue · comments


To enhance the maintainability, readability, and overall quality of the codebase, we aim to refactor the controllers related to the MyPage section. The goal is to ensure these controllers are fully compliant with RESTful principles, Domain-Driven Design (DDD) methodologies, and Test-Driven Development (TDD) practices. This refactoring effort will not only streamline our backend architecture but also facilitate easier future developments and bug fixes.


  • Assess Current Implementation

Review the existing controllers to identify areas that deviate from RESTful principles, DDD methodologies, and lack comprehensive test coverage.

  • Design RESTful Endpoints

Redefine the controllers to adhere strictly to RESTful standards, ensuring that API endpoints are logically organized, and resources are appropriately named and accessed.

  • Apply DDD Principles

Restructure the codebase to align with DDD by organizing the logic into clearly defined domains, services, repositories, and entities. This should enhance the code's scalability and maintainability.

  • Enhance Test Coverage

Implement TDD practices by writing comprehensive unit and integration tests for all refactored code. This includes tests for positive scenarios, error handling, and edge cases to ensure robustness and reliability.

  • Code Cleanup

Refactor the code to follow clean code principles, improving readability, reducing complexity, and eliminating any redundant or unnecessary code.

Expected Outcomes

  • Controllers that are fully compliant with RESTful architecture, making our API more intuitive and developer-friendly.
  • A codebase that adheres to DDD principles, making it easier to manage and evolve over time.
  • Improved test coverage that supports TDD, ensuring our application is more stable and reducing the likelihood of bugs.
  • Cleaner, more readable code that is easier to understand and maintain.