krkarma777 / online-store

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Redesign Admin and Seller Pages Using Sidebar Layout Inspired by MyPage

krkarma777 opened this issue · comments


  • To unify the user interface across the platform by redesigning the admin and seller pages to incorporate a sidebar layout similar to the one used in MyPage. This redesign aims to improve navigation, enhance usability, and provide a consistent look and feel across different sections of the application.


1. Sidebar Navigation Implementation

  • Implement a responsive sidebar navigation menu in both admin and seller pages, inspired by the MyPage layout.
  • The sidebar should include links to all major sections relevant to each role (admin or seller), ensuring quick and easy access to various functionalities.

2. Layout Consistency and Usability

  • Ensure that the layout, color scheme, and typography match the design standards set by the MyPage layout to maintain consistency across the platform.
  • Optimize the layout for usability, making sure that the most frequently used features are easily accessible.

Implementation Details

  • Use existing frontend frameworks and libraries (e.g., Bootstrap, jQuery) to facilitate the redesign and ensure consistency with the current MyPage layout.

Expected Impact

  • Enhanced user experience due to improved navigation and accessibility of features.
  • Increased efficiency for admins and sellers when managing their tasks and responsibilities on the platform.
  • Strengthened brand identity through a unified and consistent design approach across the platform.