krkarma777 / online-store

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Implement a System for Admins to Respond to Customer Inquiries in the Admin Page

krkarma777 opened this issue · comments


To enhance the customer support system by enabling administrators to directly respond to customer inquiries from within the admin page. This feature will include a dedicated "Customer Support" tab in the admin panel, listing all received inquiries and providing an interface for admins to post replies.


1. Admin Interface for Customer Inquiries

  • Add a new "Customer Support" tab to the admin page.
  • Display a list of all customer inquiries, including details such as inquiry ID, title, submission date, status (pending, answered), and customer information.

2. Inquiry Response Functionality

  • Implement a response interface that allows admins to view each inquiry in detail and write a reply.
  • Ensure the response interface includes a text editor for composing replies and the ability to mark inquiries as answered.

3. Notification System

  • Once an admin responds to an inquiry, automatically notify the customer via email with the response.
  • Update the inquiry status to "Answered" both in the admin panel and the customer's view.

4. Security and Permissions

  • Ensure that only users with administrative privileges can access the "Customer Support" tab and respond to inquiries.
  • Implement appropriate security measures to protect customer data and inquiries.

Implementation Details

  • Utilize the existing backend framework to handle inquiry data retrieval and response submissions.
  • Integrate email service for sending notifications to customers upon receiving a response.
  • Design the admin interface to be intuitive and user-friendly, ensuring a seamless workflow for managing and responding to inquiries.

Expected Impact

  • Improve customer satisfaction by providing timely and direct responses to their inquiries.
  • Enhance the efficiency of the customer support process by centralizing inquiry management within the admin panel.
  • Strengthen the relationship between customers and the support team by facilitating prompt communication.