krkarma777 / online-store

SEED: An open-market platform built with JDK 17, Spring Boot, and Oracle DB, focusing on RESTful architecture and secure user experiences.

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Implement Shipping Address Management System

krkarma777 opened this issue · comments


Develop and integrate a comprehensive shipping address management system into the seed to enable users to easily manage their delivery locations. This system should allow users to add, edit, and delete shipping addresses within their accounts.


  • User Interface: Create intuitive interfaces for the display, addition, edit, and deletion of shipping addresses.


  • Users should be able to view all their saved shipping addresses.
  • Provide forms for adding new addresses and editing existing ones.
  • Implement deletion functionality with confirmation prompts to prevent accidental removals.

  • Data Validation: Ensure all user inputs are validated both on the client-side and server-side.

Expected Outcome

Enhanced user experience through easy management of shipping addresses.
Reduction in checkout time due to the quick selection of pre-saved addresses.


User authentication system to associate shipping addresses with user accounts.
Backend infrastructure for storing and retrieving address data.