krkarma777 / online-store

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Implement Infinite Scrolling for User Management Page

krkarma777 opened this issue · comments


Enhance the user management interface on the admin dashboard to improve scalability and user experience by integrating infinite scrolling functionality.

Current Behavior

Currently, the user management page loads a fixed number of user records (all users at once) from the server at page load. This approach can lead to performance issues as the number of users grows and negatively impact the user experience by overwhelming the admin with too much information at once.

Desired Behavior

  • Implement a lazy loading mechanism where initially only 10 user records are fetched and displayed.
  • Integrate an infinite scrolling feature that automatically loads the next set of 10 user records when the admin scrolls to the bottom of the list or clicks a "Load More" button.
  • This feature should be implemented using RESTful AJAX calls to fetch data asynchronously without needing to reload the entire page.

Technical Considerations

  • Use AJAX to make asynchronous GET requests to a RESTful endpoint that returns user data in a paginated format.
  • Ensure that the UI gracefully handles loading states and potential errors during data fetching.
  • Consider the impact on server performance and optimize the backend query for pagination.

Acceptance Criteria

  • The user management page initially displays only 10 users.
  • Scrolling to the bottom of the list or clicking the "Load More" button loads the next set of 10 users, if available.
  • The interface provides visual feedback while data is being loaded.
  • Proper error handling is in place for failed data fetch operations.