kriszyp / msgpackr

Ultra-fast MessagePack implementation with extension for record and structural cloning /[JavaScript/NodeJS]

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

structuredClone doesn't preserve `Set`

alexbezhan opened this issue · comments


    const packr = new Packr({
        structuredClone: true // is supposed to preserve Set
    const obj = {
        a: new Set([1])
    const encoded = packr.encode(obj)
    const decoded = packr.decode(encoded)
    console.log(obj) // { a: Set(1) { 1 } }
    console.log(decoded) // { a: [ 1 ] }. Wrong. Expected to be { a: Set(1) { 1 } }

Should be fixed in v1.8.2

I can confirm that it works now. Thank you 👍

It will be fair to note, that if you have old data persisted with structures, you have to save it with a new version of msgpackr and only then the decoding will work for this data.