kriszyp / msgpackr

Ultra-fast MessagePack implementation with extension for record and structural cloning /[JavaScript/NodeJS]

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Issues using pack with Unpackr instance

turnerEP opened this issue · comments


I have just observed this behavior:

const obj = {
        hello: "world",
        date: new Date(),
        float: 1.23,

      const packr = new Packr();
      const unpackr = new Unpackr();
      const packedWithFunc = pack(obj)
      const packedWithInst = packr.pack(obj)

      const unpackedFromFuncWithFunc = unpack(packedWithFunc); 
      const unpackedFromFuncWithInst = unpackr.unpack(packedWithFunc) 

      const unpackedFromInstWithFunc = unpack(packedWithInst); 
      const unpackedFromInstWithInst = unpackr.unpack(packedWithInst)

      console.log(unpackedFromFuncWithFunc instanceof Map) // false
      console.log(unpackedFromFuncWithInst instanceof Map) // true

      console.log(unpackedFromInstWithFunc instanceof Map) // false
      console.log(unpackedFromInstWithInst instanceof Map) // false

Is this intended behavior? The 2. unpacked value should be a literal object imo and not a Map...


Yes, this was intentional. I intended for the plain functions to be fully MessagePack compliant, and the constructor/instance to be used for accessing the extension functionality that defaults to be enabled from the instance (but can be turned off with useRecords: false). Maybe that wasn't a great idea, but it was intentional.