kriswallsmith / Buzz

PHP's lightweight HTTP client

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MultiCurl::proceed is now blocking

lyrixx opened this issue · comments

Before version 1 (beta) MultiCurl::proceed() was non-blocking, and now it's a blocking call.
It waits until all requests finish.


use Buzz\Client\MultiCurl;
use Nyholm\Psr7\Factory\MessageFactory;
use Nyholm\Psr7\Factory\Psr17Factory;
use Nyholm\Psr7\Request;

require __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';

$client = new MultiCurl(new Psr17Factory());

 $client->sendAsyncRequest($a = new Request('GET', ''), ['callback' => function($request, $response, $exception) {
    dump(time() - $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT']);
    // echo $response->getBody()->getContents();

 $client->sendAsyncRequest($a = new Request('GET', ''), ['callback' => function($request, $response, $exception) {
    dump(time() - $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT']);
    // echo $response->getBody()->getContents();
 $client->sendAsyncRequest($a = new Request('GET', ''), ['callback' => function($request, $response, $exception) {
    dump(time() - $_SERVER['REQUEST_TIME_FLOAT']);
    // echo $response->getBody()->getContents();

while (true) {
    echo '.';

Thank you for this issue.

I've spent a few hours yesterday working on this. Currently, proceed works as flush. This is indeed breaking change.

However, can you explain the use case for a non-blocking proceed function?

I will document the methods better and resolve this.

I will try to explain what I do with multi-curl:
I have built a Crawler that rely on AMQP, MultiCurl and other things.
Basically, I have a worker that grab URLs from AMQP. As soon as I fetch an URL, I init the HTTP Request (if I have enough room in my "HTTP Queue" (it's just an SplObjectStorage with a $maxItem property))
When the queue is full, I proceed the HTTP Queue to see if some request have finished.
If it's the case, I analyse the response(s) and so I free a place(s) for a next AMQP message(s) (it will create a new HTTP Request(s) that will be placed in the HTTP Queue.

Here is an extract of what I did (I removed some code, but the main idea is here):

while (true) {
    // Listen for AMQP message: trigger HTTP request for them
    while (!$httpQueue->isFull() && false !== $amqpEnvelope = $amqpQueue->get()) {
        $resource = $this->startMessage($amqpEnvelope, $httpQueue, $crawl);

        $httpQueue->add($resource, [
            'amqpEnvelope' => $amqpEnvelope,
            'amqpQueue' => $amqpQueue,

    // Check if HTTP request are finished
    $this->crawler->tick(); // Will call $buzz->proceed();

    // Process finished HTTP request
    foreach ($httpQueue->popFinished() as [$resource, $data]) {
        $this->processResponse($resource, $data['amqpEnvelope'], $data['amqpQueue']);

As you can guess, I do not want to wait until all response are available. As soon as I get a response after the tick I proceed it and free a slot in the HTTP Queue.

With this workflow, I get really high performance, and almost everything is async

Thank you

@Nyholm BTW, I think I will have to use another HTTP Client because I have very specific needs (as you can see) and because of this issue and #351

Do you know if there is something existing that could fit my use case? I think I will have to implement a new one :/

I will fix these issues of yours this week. If you give up Buzz or not is irrelevant. =)

Do you know if there is something existing that could fit my use case?

Hm.. I dont think php-http/curl-client or Guzzle have a similar proceed() function. Maybe could be worth looking into.

I've got a fix for your already. See the diff:

It is super simple to provide fixes when you done half the work and written test code. Thank you!

Can you try master to see if it is working?

If so, I'll tag beta2.

sure. I do that :)