openzipkin / brave

Java distributed tracing implementation compatible with Zipkin backend services.

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Negative hex spanIds

henrikno opened this issue · comments

Currently you can get negative span ids like this: -140dcf65fae75f53
I don't think this is compatible with zipkin, e.g. if a zipkin/finagle client calls a brave service (tell me if I'm wrong here).

I think we should use Long.toHexString when we serialize span/traceIds, and Long.parseUnsignedLong when deserializing them, or some similar method.
See how finagle generates ids:

I believe this was fixed by @srapp with #28, released in 2.2.1. Are you using a version prior to that?

Hi @henrikno. There indeed was a fix as @joeslice mentions but I I guess it would be good if we would write a test that verifies and confirms if we still have an incompatibility between Finagle and Brave? Could you do that? Thanks!

@henrikno you are right. I wrote a test and we are incompatible with zipkin / finagle when negative span ids are generated. I'll look into you suggestions.

I can fix it by using following guava parsing/conversion utilities (part of package):

From Long to String: UnsignedLongs.toString(spanId, 16)
From String to Long: UnsignedLongs.parseUnsignedLong(stringSpanId, 16)

java.lang.Long.toHexString(spanId) for converting to String also works but I prefer to stick to Guava for both conversions.

This makes it compatible with Zipkin/Finagle. I tested with positive and negative long values.
I'll fix this and close this issue when it is done.

Apparently this bug is fixed in Java 8.

This issue is fixed as part of brave 2.4 which is just released and should become available through Maven Central in a few hours.