kristijanhusak / vim-dadbod-completion

Database autocompletion powered by

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

COC DB ERROR Error: no adapter for postgres

oblitum opened this issue · comments

I get

DEBUG (pid:75108) [extension-coc-db] - COC DB ERROR Error: request error nvim_call_function - DB: no adapter for postgres

when trying out the extension. I'm using vim-dadbod-ui and have $DBUI_URL correctly set, dadbod-ui works and I can browse db and make queries, just coc-db completion isn't working for some reason.

Yeah this is something that i have issue with also, wasn't able to figure it out.
Workaround is to use postgresql instead of postgres in your db url.

I fixed it, give it a test.

Working great now, thanks, awesome extension!