kristapsdz / acme-client

secure ACME client

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sha512 verification does not work

ston1th opened this issue · comments


I tried to verify the hash of the 0.1.14 release.

The .sha512 file contains this: SHA512(acme-client-0.1.14.tgz)=...

This command tells me the file is not in the checklist:

$ sha512 -C acme-client-0.1.14.sha512 acme-client-0.1.14.tgz 
sha512: acme-client-0.1.14.tgz does not exist in acme-client-0.1.14.sha512

Now if I put whitespaces before and after the braces, it works: SHA512 (acme-client-0.1.14.tgz) =

$ sha512 -C acme-client-0.1.14.sha512 acme-client-0.1.14.tgz 
(SHA512) acme-client-0.1.14.tgz: OK

I'm on OpenBSD 6.0 -stable.

This will be fixed in the next release. (It was also pointed out by another user.) FWIW, I was using openssl dgst instead of sha512. But I'm now using 512. Thanks!