krisk / fuse-swift

A lightweight fuzzy-search library, with zero dependencies

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Fatal error: Can't form Range with upperBound < lowerBound

el-quick opened this issue · comments

I am trying use asynchronous version on this way:, in: Keyword.searchables, completion: { results in

And I am getting this problem:

Captura de Pantalla 2019-12-17 a la(s) 09 32 21

To take in account: Keyword.searchables is an array of string with near of 3000 items in it.

By the moment I solved it on this way:

for (index, item) in chunk.enumerated() {
    if let result =, in: item) {
        if result.ranges.allSatisfy({ $0.upperBound > $0.lowerBound }) {
            items.append((index, result.score, result.ranges))

I know that's not the best way, and functionality comes affected, but it's working for me now.

Thanks in advance.