krishaamer / modal-hook

React Modal with a Hook API

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React Modal Hook

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This is a React hook that displays a modal. The implementation is one file, it can be styled, and it has no dependencies.


  • Npm: npm install modal-hook
  • Yarn: yarn add modal-hook


import React from 'react';
import useModal from 'modal-hook';

const MyComponent() => {
        const [modal, openModal] = useModal(
            closeModal => (
                    <h1>My Modal</h1>
                    <p>Content in modal</p>
                    <button onClick={closeModal}>
                        Close Modal
        return (
                <h1>My Page</h1>
                <p>Content on page</p>
                <button onClick={openModal}>
                    Open Modal

Use With Options

import React from 'react';
import useModal from 'modal-hook';

const MyComponent() => {
        const [modalElement, openModal] = useModal(closeModal => (
                <div>{'Modal  Content'}</div>
                    onClick={() => closeModal('result of action in modal')}
                    {'Close Modal'}
            required: true,
            open: true,
            target: document.body,
            style: {
                modal: {
                    border: '5px solid black',
                backdrop: {
                    background: 'teal',
        return (
            <div className="App">
                <button onClick={() => openModal().then(console.log)}>
                    Open Modal


Customize the modal by passing these optional props to the second argument of useModal:

Prop Description
open initial open state of the modal
required require the user to take an action shown in the modal by disabling backdrop click
style style object overrides for {modal, backdrop}
target the portal target - usually document.body

See the examples and the examples source code for more snippets to copy.


If there are any examples you'd like to see or use cases I didn't cover, please file an issue.


React Modal with a Hook API


Language:JavaScript 100.0%