kripken / box2d.js

Port of Box2D to JavaScript using Emscripten

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PreSolve and PostSolve never called?

ruskul opened this issue · comments


I was trying to get PreSolve and PostSolve to work but it seems they are never called. BeginContact and EndContact are both fine. I checked the bindings and it doesn't appear to be a binding for them at all. Anywhere.

    var listener = new Box2D.JSContactListener();
listener.BeginContact = function (contactPtr) {
    var contact = Box2D.wrapPointer(contactPtr, Box2D.b2Contact);
    //can do whatever I want with contact
listener.EndContact = function (contactPtr) {
    var contact = Box2D.wrapPointer(contactPtr, Box2D.b2Contact);

listener.PreSolve = function (contactPtr, oldManifoldPtr) {

    I Can write whatever I want here because its never called.
            (>.<) poop