kreait / laravel-firebase

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The registration token is not a valid FCM registration token

tusharbudhe0302 opened this issue · comments

Hi Team,

Thanks for allowing to ask a question. I am getting token from front end. On Server I am using firebase-admin package.

Code trying to execute Step 1:

      app.messaging().send(message).then((res) => {
        console.log(`successfully send push notification ${res}`);
       }).catch((error) => {
         console.log(`falied send push notification ${error}`);

It has new token length is 312. I trying to push this token.

  "data": {
    "type": "PURCHASE_STATUS",
    "checkoutId": "ancded",
    "status": "COMPLETED"
  "notification": {
    "title": "Your total's $8.99",
    "body": "You're ready to roll! Open to see your receipt."
  "android": {
    "notification": {
      "clickAction": ""
  "token": "eyJhbGciOiJFUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJhcHBJZCI6IjE6NzY3NDA5MDI2NjU5OmFuZHJvaWQ6NWQ2ZWE5YmE4ZjY1NDM1OCIsImV4cCI6MTY1MTA4NzA0NCwiZmlkIjoiZlczNlUzcTNUZ2VkNHdHdTE0OGlMVCIsInByb2plY3ROdW1iZXIiOjc2NzQwOTAyNjY1OX0.AB2LPV8wRgIhALC_uiwrKb8BuVDVTWArOFxf6c5bXbdaDP6buDEH3b_UAiEAmXntReGszPtqcTCMOim-yR0lgdj_FsuzZUo_yDcvzcY"

I am getting below error:

  code: "messaging/invalid-argument",
  message: "The registration token is not a valid FCM registration token",

But same code Step 1 is working with old token length is 163.

  "data": {
    "type": "PURCHASE_STATUS",
    "checkoutId": "9b3af6ec-9bd3-46f0-b217-521bb234e0c7",
    "status": "COMPLETED"
  "notification": {
    "title": "Your total's $8.79",
    "body": "You're ready to roll! Open to see your receipt."
  "android": {
    "notification": {
      "clickAction": ""
  "token": "eFqo4pTT4olhMw8aKsxEOb:APA91bG3SviDNg2ibd9CuSf8cAXewFOMT-iKtiQYSnPRG54eamE5Uq5bs2G2e0Vr1Zq9HI2_-5kbkio5eTUI79jZpVWl-YBB_8Fu54K3VYBmhDbQ3vNSgmV7z-B8Suenz-GIduPOASSK"

Please let me know what correction needed at my end? How I can solve this problem? Is there any latest update on firebase service causing this issue?

@jeromegamez : I know you are dude for this. It will great help, please look for above issue.

I'm the only "dude" here, so no need to ping me specifically, I get notifications about new issues anyway 😓

Please try using the issue search next time, this would have led you to, for example, #31 (comment) or kreait/firebase-php#484 (comment)

Nonetheless, it's good that you brought it up, I added so that I remember to document it in the docs. Thanks!