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"Class 'NumberFormatter' not found error".

diusazzad opened this issue · comments

I encountered an error while accessing the edit.blade.php view in the laravel-crm package. The error message is as follows:
Framework Version: Laravel 9.52.15
Access the page at
Expected Result:
The page should load without any errors.

Actual Result:
The error message "Class 'NumberFormatter' not found" is displayed.
Additional Information:

PHP Version: 8.1.12
Laravel Locale: en
Laravel Config Cached: false
App Debug: true
App Env: local

Code Snippet:


  • Format price with base currency symbol.
  • @param float $price
  • @return string
    public function currencySymbol($code)
    $formatter = new \NumberFormatter(app()->getLocale() . '@Currency=' . $code, \NumberFormatter::CURRENCY);
    return $formatter->getSymbol(\NumberFormatter::CURRENCY_SYMBOL);

Browser and Request Information:

Browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/ Safari/537.36
Request URL:
User and Versions Information:

User: Example Admin (
Php Version: 8.1.12
Laravel Version: 9.52.15

please, enable extension intl in php.ini file to fix this problem

apt-get install php7.x-intl <---- + restart apache -> will solve your issues

after installing the extension, it should work.

closing it.