kracher / Symphtml5

A base / starter html5 ensemble for Symphony CMS

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Symphtml5 is a simple base / starter ensemble for Symphony CMS, and serves a purpose similar to the popular HTML5 Boilerplate. This repository represents Symphony CMS version "2.2.5" and is considered stable.

Symphony Server Requirements

  • PHP 5.2 or above
  • PHP's LibXML module, with the XSLT extension enabled (--with-xsl)
  • MySQL 5.0 or above
  • An Apache or Litespeed webserver
  • Apache's mod_rewrite module or equivalent

Installing Symphtml5

Via Git

  1. Clone the git repository to the location you desire using:

     git clone

    Should you wish to make contributions back to the project, fork the master tree rather than cloning, and issue pull requests via github.

  2. Point your web browser at and provide details for establishing a database connection and about your server environment.

Via the old fashioned way

  1. This step assumes you downloaded a zip archive from the Symphony website, or the Github repository. Upload the following files and directories to the root directory of your website:

    • humans.txt
    • index.php
    • install.php
    • install.sql
    • robots.txt
    • /symphony
    • /workspace
    • /extensions
  2. Point your web browser at and provide details for establishing a database connection and about your server environment.


Secure Production Sites: Change permissions and remove installer files.

  1. For a smooth install process, change permissions for the root and workspace directories.

    cd /your/site/root chmod -R 777 workspace

  2. Once successfully installed, change permissions as per your server preferences, E.G.

    chmod 755 .

  3. Remove installer files (unless you're fine with revealing all your trade secrets):

    rm install.php install.sql workspace/install.sql update.php


A base / starter html5 ensemble for Symphony CMS

License:MIT License