Kraballa / FNA-Minimal-Setup

Provides a nice entry point for FNA development with classes for rendering primitives as well as a bunch of utility lacking in base FNA like proper keyboard and mouse inputs. Partly based on the Monocle engine.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

FNA Minimal Setup Version 2

This is a collection of classes that aim to make it as easy as possible to start using FNA. It includes methods for drawing primitives, loading and rendering textures from file paths as well as keyboard and mouse input and a simple collision system. Text rendering through bitmap fonts has been implemented in a trivial way. It also features a simple persistence layer, allowing you to serialize objects to XML or binary.

I use these in all my projects.

Setup (FNA)

  1. download this project as .zip
  2. copy all files (minus and .gitignore) into your FNA project
  3. Refactor the namespace to the one you're using
  4. use Controller.cs as your main Game class.



Contains primitives for collision as well as functions for checking if they collide.


Implements Game.cs and provides an example on how to use the classes provided.


Features a broad range of more or less useful functions that find its use in other parts of the repository, namely in rendering primitives. Also contains some basic extension functions for Vector2 and Point to bring them up to par with MonoGame


Wrapper around the Texture2D class. Make dealing with textures much easier and provide many useful functions for instantiating and rendering them.


Main rendering class. Implements primitive rendering and controls the SpriteBatch instance. Uses Graphic.cs and Calc.cs to construct, rectangles, circles and other useful shapes. Also has fun functionality for rendering basic graphs or even splines!

MInput.cs, CInput.cs and KInput.cs

Wrapper around the KeyboardState, GamePadState and MouseState structs. Basic key checking methods as well as some utility. There are plans for an improved VirtualInput system that can abstract over multiple keys for easy support of multiple input types.


A Wrapper around a 3x3 Matrix. This transformation matrix is intended to transform the screen through translation, rotation and scale. For the actual rendering process it gets multiplied by the Controller.ScreenMatrix which can act as a global scale. You don't need to touch the camera and can remove it outright if you don't want to use it, but occasionally for translation it is very useful (i.e. border around your game without having to displace everything by 5 pixels). By default the camera is centered around the top left corner. To center it, set its position to the screen center and run Camera.CenterOrigin()


Load an image at runtime and have it used as a bitmap. Ideally the Bitmap aligns with the ascii table.


Basic wrapper around XmlSerializer and BinarySerializer and saving and loading them to disk using File.IO. This is very basic and should only be used for savedata. Rework pending.


This repo is partly based on the work of Maddy Thorson and the (formerly) open source MonoGame game engine Monocle. Mainly Persistence.cs (SaveLoad.cs in Monocle), Graphic.cs (MTexture.cs in Monocle), Camera.cs, Calc.cs and Render.cs were taken from Monocle and edited wherever it was necessary to make them work standalone. RectangleF was taken from Nez2D, a 2D game engine for FNA and MonoGame. The rest was implemented by me.

Monocle, Nez2D, and this project, are licensed under the MIT license.


Provides a nice entry point for FNA development with classes for rendering primitives as well as a bunch of utility lacking in base FNA like proper keyboard and mouse inputs. Partly based on the Monocle engine.

License:MIT License


Language:C# 100.0%