kozhevnikov / cucumber-pretty

Cucumber.js Pretty Formatter

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Using with protractor-cucumber-framework

odravison opened this issue · comments



I have a issue with the pretty output log. I'm using protractor-cucumber-framework to run my tests and I don't know how configure cucumber-pretty in there.

My cucumber.conf.js file has this part of code.

cucumberOpts: {
        require: [
        tags: false,
        format: ['json:.tmp/results.json'],
        profile: false,
        'no-source': true

I had try insert the cucumber-pretty inside of format: section, didn't work.

Someone has a idea to use cucumber-pretty side by side with protractor-cucumber-framework ?

Thanks in advanced.

I don't use Protractor myself and questions on how to add Cucumber formatters to it should probably go to protractor-cucumber-framework's maintainers but a quick code search shows that it is indeed cucumberOpts.format array. Could you post the config that didn't work?



I'm sorry about the late.
Sure, this is the config:

cucumberOpts: {
        require: [
        tags: false,
        format:  ['json:.tmp/results.json', '/node_modules/cucumber-pretty'],
        profile: false,
        'no-source': true

Slash in /node_modules means it's an absolute path starting from the root which is very unlikely. Try relative path from current directory, either node_modules or ./node_modules.


Sorry about this configuration, I just type "on the fly".

The path is absolutely OK, up in code has a part that I add a prefix and the path turns absolute and complete. I just forgot to type this.

I'll run and post here the error output.