koxudaxi / poetry-pycharm-plugin

A PyCharm plugin for poetry

Home Page:https://koxudaxi.github.io/poetry-pycharm-plugin/

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

8:39 AM Plugin error: Plugin 'Poetry' (version '1.1.5-212') is not compatible with the current version of the IDE, because it requires build 212.* or older but the current build is PC-213.4631.9

Bibinp08 opened this issue · comments

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Please wait next major release of PyCharm.

@chbndrhnns I'm sorry. I don't have the plan for supporting 2021.3 EAP. Because, This plugin will be merged into the mainstream of PyCharm. And, the feature will probably be included next EAP. But, It is not decided now.


PyCharm 2021.3 was rolled out today in updates doesn’t seem to be any support for poetry at this stage.

Does this mean this plugin is being deprecated?


PyCharm 2021.3 has the same code as this plugin. (My code is merged.)
So, This plugin will not be supported on PyCharm 2021.3

We should write the information at the top of the repository.

I just updated README.md