koxudaxi / poetry-pycharm-plugin

A PyCharm plugin for poetry

Home Page:https://koxudaxi.github.io/poetry-pycharm-plugin/

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Explain how to attach the source code during development

adrianbartnik opened this issue · comments

More of a question then actual feature request, but I tried to extend this plugin with a feature to search for pyproject.toml files also in subdirectories. I encounter this quite frequently, when the actual python project including the pyproject.toml file is in a nested folder relative to the the project root. Usually, there is only one python project and the nesting level is usually 1, so it's directly underneath the project root.

I tried to understand how I would be able to add this myself and also got IntelliJ up-and-running from this repository. However, the development experience is quite frustrating since the PyCharm-sources are not available.

So, my question is two-fold:

  1. Did you consider searching the project folders recursively in order to find the pyproject.toml file?
  2. If not, how can I attach the Pycharm-sources to IntelliJ in order to easily understand the plugin works in order to potentially add this feature myself? If it's possible, I would be happy to add instructions on how to do that to the documentation.

I checked the Jetbrains documentation, but couldn't find any pointers. The closest I could find is this thread in their forum, which leads to nowhere: https://intellij-support.jetbrains.com/hc/en-us/community/posts/360010766059-Can-t-find-sources-for-python-ce-jar-when-developing-a-plugin?page=1#community_comment_4404710714130

I'm sorry for my late reply.

  1. Did you consider searching the project folders recursively in order to find the pyproject.toml file?

A short answer is No. this plugin expects one project for pyproject.toml.
I wouldn't like to search pyproject.toml into a nested directory, Because Pipenv is too.

  1. If not, how can I attach the Pycharm-sources to IntelliJ in order to easily understand the plugin works in order to potentially add this feature myself? If it's possible, I would be happy to add instructions on how to do that to the documentation.

You can attach a nested project to the current project. It means you open multiple projects in the same window.

What do you think about it?

Thanks @koxudaxi.

I wouldn't like to search pyproject.toml into a nested directory, Because Pipenv is too.

What would be the consequences of that?

You can attach a nested project to the current project.

Probably the easiest option. I am just wondering, because later version of the IntelliJ-Gradle plugin offer an option to set downloadSources to true, meaning debugging a plugin and directly inspecting the source from IntelliJ is more comfortable. However, for that I think one would need to upgrade the version of this plugin, which seems to take more time.

Feel free to close this issue. I got the answers I was looking for.