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Please add support for RSS

Anton-Latukha opened this issue · comments


I hope to subscribe with RSS, one day.

Planet Haskell, as always, a great hub to share articles into.

Have a nice.

@Anton-Latukha Thanks for opening the issue. However, the website already implements both RSS and Atom feeds which can be found under the following links:

The link to RSS is also at the bottom of the website.


So this should already work.

I verified today that I can see the newest blog post from mobile RSS reader (as it always worked before), so I'm closing the issue.

Sending in my dear facepalm to myself.

I've glanced on that panel and moved past it, particularly was looking in and out and around in the blog section https://kowainik.github.io/posts. And in some RSS search engines.

I initialized the feed in Inoreader, registered as 1-st reader there.

BTW, I observed that Haskell Weakly also does not know your RSS, it is seen here: https://airtable.com/shrp0GHpXNPXt7DnX

I don't know you notification setting: @chshersh 🔼

Think that RSS is a solid source of delivering the article into the stream for redactors, of course, if you otherwise ping one of them directly.

@Anton-Latukha Not sure what further actions you're proposing. Kowainik already has RSS feed, and it works. Regarding table on Airtable: we don't maintain this table, so we can't add our RSS there. Regarding Planet Haskell — we were considering adding our feed in there, and probably we'll do this 👍