koutto / jok3r

Jok3r v3 BETA 2 - Network and Web Pentest Automation Framework

Home Page:https://www.jok3r-framework.com

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AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'is_service_supported'

SeriyVol4ishe opened this issue · comments

[*] Check if service is reachable...
[*] A matching service has been found in the database
[+] Updated: host ***.***.***.*** | port 21/tcp | service ftp
[+] Target reachable: host ***.***.***.*** | port 21/tcp | service ftp
[*] Products detected for this target:
| Type       | Name   | Version |
| ftp-server | Vsftpd | 2.3.4   |
[*] [SMART] SmartStart processing to initialize context...
[*] [SMART] Product detected from banner: ftp-server = Vsftpd 2.3.4
[*] [SMART] Product detected: ftp-server=Vsftpd 2.3.4. Not updated because already in db
[!] Unexpected error occured: 'str' object has no attribute 'is_service_supported'
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "jok3r.py", line 44, in __init__
  File "/root/jok3r/lib/controller/MainController.py", line 23, in run
    }.get(self.arguments.mode)(self.arguments, self.settings, self.sqlsess).run()
  File "/root/jok3r/lib/controller/AttackController.py", line 88, in run
  File "/root/jok3r/lib/controller/AttackController.py", line 224, in __run_for_multi_targets
  File "/root/jok3r/lib/core/AttackScope.py", line 163, in attack
    self.__attack_target(target, attack_progress)
  File "/root/jok3r/lib/core/AttackScope.py", line 199, in __attack_target
  File "/root/jok3r/lib/core/ServiceChecks.py", line 150, in run
  File "/root/jok3r/lib/core/ServiceChecks.py", line 325, in __run_special_mode
    if not attack_profile.is_service_supported(target.get_service_name()):
AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'is_service_supported'

Your docker image is used. So my steps to reproduce the issue:

  1. Run the command from your simple examples:
    python3 jok3r.py attack -m <mission_name> --profile <some_profile_name> --fast
  2. Profit.

I tried from my side, and I can't reproduce the problem for the moment with red-team and fast-scan profile.
Maybe tried to backup your current sqlite joker database and retry while there is no database upgrade management (will come).

Keep bumping up against this issue in the docker image. Happens regardless of the profile selected.


I had this issue as well. Running specifically the red-team profile against a mission I imported hosts via nmap XML. I just removed the --profile red-team and the attack ran.