koush / nvr.scrypted.app

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Feature Request : NVR Tiered Storage

briangunderson opened this issue · comments

It would be nice to be able to have Scrypted NVR be able to use multiple tiers of storage locations. Blue Iris does this fairly well. Using tiered storage, NVR would save new clips to fast storage such as SSD, and when clips need to age out to make room for newer clips, rather than being deleted they are instead moved to secondary/tertiary disks which most often will be spinning disks. Indexes, snapshots, etc are ideally kept in primary storage along with the newest clips, this obviously helps with responsiveness. Thanks for your consideration!

I was thinking about tiering storage by stream type. the low res stream needs to be on fast storage for timeline scrub. the high res stream can be on spinning disks. currently it cleans out high res streams before low res streams to retain space. but this is the opposite of what you want, as it is optimized for timeline responsiveness. need to think about this some more.

scrypted scrubbing uses the low resolution stream. the contributors for scrub performance is the availability of said substream, and fast seek times on disk.

are you experiencing issues scrubbing right now?

Gotcha, so this is more a feature request/question on how to utilize multiple slow vs fast disks. And maybe whether that’s even necessary. There’s a few sharding options worth investigating, ie retention vs responsiveness.