koush / ion

Android Asynchronous Networking and Image Loading

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Add support for self signed certificates

koush opened this issue · comments

Need support for custom SSL Context and TrustManagers for use during SSL handshaking.

Fixed with:


Fix was in AndroidAsync:

This test case is also a good sample:


Excuse me for asking,
this implementation is basically like "trust all incoming certificate" and not some specific certificate, right?

It's an implementation to trust a specific cert.

But it doesn't load a specific CA from file, or somewhere, like in here http://developer.android.com/training/articles/security-ssl.html#UnknownCa, so how does it trust from specific cert?

It does exactly that:


See the bit where it sets up it's own trust manager and loads a self signed cert.

Oh, shit. I realized that I misread second comment (or first) this whole time.
Thank you for clarification, Koush.

Is there maybe a simple example showing how to use this when using Ion to connect to a RESTful server using self signed certificates?

As Ion.with(...) uses a new HttpClient for each call - how can we set a trustManager to be used for all Ion requests?

@mannaz I got Ion.with to work like this:

    Ion ion = Ion.getDefault(c);

( Ion.getDefault(c) is used in Ion.with{})

ion uses the same http client every call.

@koush yes, but as the examples setup


and Ion.getDefault(c) is on

new AsyncHttpClient(new AsyncServer("ion-" + name));

the example code does not match the usage of Ion.with ..
That was what was confusing here I guess.

ion.with calls into ion.getDefault.

oh, you were assuming that ion uses the default asynchttpclient. nah, it has it's own.

Is there a reason .setTrustManagers(...) must be called as well? I thought the SSLContext is initialized with a set of trust managers, this seems like a duplication of effort.

i use Cloudflare Free SSL and getting Error
this is how i resolve it https://gist.github.com/ibnux/4bf68e16e1228b6568a349c583d1cd32