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Rezound Backup Hangs (edited)

genebean opened this issue · comments

I have the touch recovery installed on a Rezound. I initiated a "Backup current ROM" from inside RM and it rebooted into recovery and started backing up but has been sitting at "Backing up system" for long enough to make me think it is hung... any chance you could put some kind of progress dialog in here? I seem to remember that during this part on my OG Droid that it showed what file was being processed or something (I could easily be mistaken here).

(edit: I see now there is a progress indicator... see notes below for real issue)

On what may be a related note, I ended up pulling the battery and initiating the backup from the recovery. That one seems to default to different storage than what RM defaults to... will post again with results of this attempt.

Hung again... the point at which it hangs seems to be on backing up HTCMediaAutoUploadSettings.apk

Flashed back to non-touch recovery and it backed up fine. Is there any info I can pull for you to help diagnose what is going on here?

Try turning on fast backup and restore in rom manager. Let me know if that fixes it.

Quick backup and restore did not help. Also, if I read the discription right, this should have turned of the progress stuff... I still saw the files that were being backed up. I don't know if it is related or not, but I also cannot get Fix Permissions to run in RM, it says "An error occurred while attempting to run privileged command"

Ok, this is happening on my rezound too on occassion. Let me try to figure out what is causing it....

For the moment I am using AmonRA as my recovery since it seems to be the fav on both droidforums.net and XDA. Plus, it can install su and superuser for rooting. I am still interested to see this one get up to par so that I can use the touch version :)