kou-yeung / WebGLInput

IME for Unity WebGL

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Backwards typing in fullscreen mode

EmanueleBagnarola opened this issue · comments

Hi! I am experiencing this odd bug that will make the typing inside of the input fields go backwards when the game is in fullscreen mode. For example if I need to type "hello", the input field will only make me type "olleh". Any idea of what could cause this issue?

I am also having this issue

Happens both in Edge and in Chrome.

Strangely, F11 works fine on both, but activating "fullscreen" through a Javascript button creates the issue.

Here is a demo game which can produce this issue: https://discretetom.github.io/CannonVsMosquito/

Looks like the cursor is locked at the beginning of the input field and can't be moved.

release a new version for fullscreen.

you can call WebGLSupport.WebGLWindow.SwitchFullscreen() from your app to switch fullscreen.

if reproduction at new release. reopen it.