kotchuprik / eloquent-sortable

Sortable behaviour for Eloquent models

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Sortable behaviour for Eloquent models

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This package provides a trait that adds sortable behaviour to an Eloquent model.

The value of the ordercolumn of a new record of a model is determined by the maximum value of the ordercolumn of all records of that model + 1.

The package also provides a query scope to fetch all the records in the right order.


This package can be installed through Composer.

composer require spatie/eloquent-sortable

You must add this service provider:

// Laravel 4: app/config/app.php 
// Laravel 5: config/app.php

'providers' => [ 


To add sortable behaviour to your model you must:

  1. specify that the model will conform to Spatie\EloquentSortable\SortableInterface
  2. use the trait Spatie\EloquentSortable\Sortable
  3. specify which column will be used as the ordercolumn


use Spatie\EloquentSortable\Sortable;
use Spatie\EloquentSortable\SortableInterface;

class MyModel extends Eloquent implements SortableInterface

    use Sortable;

    public $sortable = [
        'order_column_name' => 'order_column',

If you don't set a value $sortable['order_column_name'] the package will asume that your order column name will be 'order_column';

Assuming that the db-table for MyModel is empty:

$myModel = new MyModel();
$myModel->save(); // order_column for this record will be set to 1

$myModel = new MyModel();
$myModel->save(); // order_column for this record will be set to 2

$myModel = new MyModel();
$myModel->save(); // order_column for this record will be set to 3

//the trait also provides the ordered query scope
$orderedRecords = MyModel::ordered()->get(); 

You can set a new order for all the records using the setNewOrder-method

 * the record for model id 3 will have record_column value 1
 * the record for model id 1 will have record_column value 2
 * the record for model id 2 will have record_column value 3


Sortable behaviour for Eloquent models

License:MIT License


Language:PHP 100.0%