kornl / crossover

Crossover Designs

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The Java JAR file "crossover.jar" could not be launched

ywebbvar opened this issue · comments

Hi again!

I tried installing it from CRAN (I am on OS X 'El Capitan'), and the GUI doesn't run. The error is:

Error in .jnew("org/mutoss/gui/CrossoverGUI") :

The files that it is looking for are not in the /java/ folder. The only one in the java folder is 'crossover.jar' and it cannot be run (it is missing a manifest attribute and can't be executed). This is how it looks in the terminal:
XXX-XXX:~ ywebbvar$ java -jar /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.2/Resources/library/Crossover/java/crossover.jar
no main manifest attribute, in /Library/Frameworks/R.framework/Versions/3.2/Resources/library/Crossover/java/crossover.jar

Also, I tried copying the contents of the /java/ folder from the /pkg/ folder in this repo, and still got the same error in .jnew()

Thank you for your work!

  • Yenny

Dear Yenny,

did you use the command install.packages("Crossover") that also installs all the required dependencies? Or did you just download the zip/tgz and installed it? And which is 'the file that it is looking for'?

Thanks for the additional information and best regards, Kornelius

Thanks, Kornelius!

The file is 'crossover.jar', and it is in the /java/ folder within the Crossover folder. When I install the package from CRAN, it installed many dependencies too. Among them:

  • rJava
  • CommonJavaJars
  • JavaGD


On another note, I installed the package in Win7 OS and it worked without hiccups. The GUI is pretty nice!

Dear Yenny,

you said "The files that it is looking for are not in the /java/ folder." - do you know which files it is looking for but can not find? Everything it needs should be in the crossover.jar (the missing manifest attribute shouldn't be a problem) and the jar files from the rJava, CommonJavaJars and JavaGD package.

The description of the HeadlessException class is btw.:
"Thrown when code that is dependent on a keyboard, display, or mouse is called in an environment that does not support a keyboard, display, or mouse."

Regarding "I installed the package in Win7 OS and it worked without hiccups" - that's good and it works without problems on all my Linux systems, so perhaps it's something OS X specific. I'll take a look, but since I have no Mac myself, this may take quite some time.

Thanks and best regards, Kornelius

same here :-(

Please try to open it from inside JGR. This fixed the problem for other Mac users.