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Snap `/tmp` folder + Docker mounting point

leonakao opened this issue · comments

Describe the bug

An error occurred when I try run the command kool deploy logs -f app.

Follow the error:

kool --verbose deploy logs -f app
api - calling URL: https://kool.dev/api/deploy/exec?
api - got response: {"server":"https:\/\/808A64640E3217D47085F09CEBCDC1B8.gr7.us-east-1.eks.amazonaws.com","token":"...","ca.crt":"...","namespace":"dev-none-default-loly-loly-web-developkooldev","path":"deployment\/app"}
$ (TTY in: true out: true) kool [docker -- -v /tmp/.kool-cluster-CA:/tmp/.kool-cluster-CA kooldev/toolkit:full kubectl --server https://808A64640E3217D47085F09CEBCDC1B8.gr7.us-east-1.eks.amazonaws.com --token XXX --namespace dev-none-default-loly-loly-web-developkooldev --certificate-authority /tmp/.kool-cluster-CA logs -f --tail 25 deployment/app -c default]
[recursive call]
$ (TTY in: true out: true) docker [run --init --rm -w /app -i -t --env ASUSER=1000 --volume /home/leonakao/projects/loly/web:/app:delegated -v /tmp/.kool-cluster-CA:/tmp/.kool-cluster-CA kooldev/toolkit:full kubectl --server https://808A64640E3217D47085F09CEBCDC1B8.gr7.us-east-1.eks.amazonaws.com --token XXX --namespace dev-none-default-loly-loly-web-developkooldev --certificate-authority /tmp/.kool-cluster-CA logs -f --tail 25 deployment/app -c default]
error: read /tmp/.kool-cluster-CA: is a directory
2021/05/11 17:06:36.851613 exit status 1

Kool version and environment

kool version 1.11.0

Docker version 19.03.13

Elementary OS:

  • Distributor ID: elementary
  • Description: elementary OS 5.1.7 Hera
  • Release: 5.1.7
  • Codename: hera

Base OS:

  • Distributor ID: Ubuntu
  • Description: Ubuntu 18.04.4 LTS
  • Release: 18.04
  • Codename: bionic

Additional context

Docker was installed using snapcraft but I don't know if have some relation in this case.

@leonakaodev do you have /tmp/.kool-cluster-CA in your host machine? If you don't, docker will bind it as a folder into the container, indeed.

@fabriciojs if the absence of this file is generating this error, could we add an extra validation for it? Even if it is not the real issue here, it could probably occur, I guess...just supposing, haven't seen the code to check...

@leonakaodev do you have /tmp/.kool-cluster-CA in your host machine? If you don't, docker will bind it as a folder into the container, indeed.

@danielsuguimoto I didn't have this file on my machine. Shouldn't the kool generate it in this case before the docker bind it as a folder?

ps: I solved the problem by installing manually kubectl

This is an issue with the kubectl on kool docker strategy, when no kubectl is available in the host OS.

It seems indeed that the file was not available which would make the map become a folder, like @danielsuguimoto mentioned.

We shall review the file creation error handling, and look into Snap Docker confinement strategy, since I believe it may be changing the /tmp access for Docker, which causes the issue.

We already have the file creation properly validated, the issue here indeed is due to Snap handling of /tmp folders:




We can revisit the credentials generation/creation in #300 updates for v2.