koodaamo / iconframer

Frame and augment SVG icons

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool



Generate framed, labeled SVG icons.


  • Frame SVG icons using a template and apply a label (localized via gettext)
  • Optionally, convert to PNG (requires pycairo/cairocffi & python-rsvg)
  • Optionally, inverse the icon (assumes icon is black & white only)

How to use

Create SVG file with one layer per icon. Create another SVG to use as the frame template. Then configure the settings (see config example at docs/iconframer.yaml) and run the 'iconframer' command line to generate icons:


 iconframer (svg | pdf | png) <language> ... [--config=<file>] [--size=<size>] [--nolabel] [--inverse] [--translations=<path>]
 iconframer -h | --help
 iconframer --version


 -i --inverse                     Inverse the icon colors
 -n --nolabel                     Do not generate labeling
 -t <path> --translations=<path>  Specify path of i18n file (locale) structure, by default 'i18n'
 -s <size> --size=<size>          Specify the diameter of the frame for PNG/PDF [default: 64]
 -c <file> --config=<file>        Override config file [default: iconframer.yaml]
 -h --help                        Show this screen.
 -v --version                     Show version.

Similar software

  • svglue
  • pyconizr


Frame and augment SVG icons

License:GNU Affero General Public License v3.0


Language:Python 84.2%Language:Makefile 11.0%Language:Shell 4.8%