konstantinmuenster / gatsby-theme-portfolio-minimal

A Gatsby Theme to create modern one-page portfolios with a clean yet expressive design.

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Adding blog feature to the old 'gatsby-theme-portfolio-minimal' site.

tjoab opened this issue · comments



I was wondering if you can provide me with any insight as to how I can incorporate the blog feature of this theme into your old gastby site. I tried following the readme for doing exactly what I just mentioned, but run into issues when running npm install gatsby-theme-portfolio-minimal. In specific, the new theme depends on gatsby V4, while the old site appears to be built on V2 as indicated by the dependencies in the package.json files.

I tried updating gatsby, but the old site then fails to compile when I run gatsby develop. I tried looking into the theme contents to see if I could scrape off the actual blog node components, but the new site is configured differently than the old one I am used to.

I would migrate my old site, but I have edited many of the node components that seem to be more hidden in this new version (things like splashScreen.js, underlining.js, navbar.js, cookiebar.js etc).

I understand that the old site is marked as depreciated and you no longer support it, but I thought I would open up a issue to see if you can provide me with any sort of direction.

Cheers, TJ!


Update: I have found the node components inside of the gatsby-theme-portfolio-minimal folder in node_modules. I see that there are style.module.css files for each of the components, however when I make changes to the css and redeploy the site, the changes are not seen in the development build. Any idea why this may be?

Update 2: I believe I need to be using Gatsby's shadowing functionality. I am trying to first get it to work with something simple like the main theme's CSS. But again no luck with seeing the updates. For reference, in my sites src folder I have created a theme.css file with the following path user-site/src/gatsby-theme-portfolio-minimal/globalStyles/theme.css. From my understanding of shadowing, any file within my site's src folder will overwrite the contents inside the src of gatsby-theme-portfolio-minimal inside of node_modules. So, I believe my path setup is correct. Have you had any luck with getting shadowing to work?

Note: I originally talked about working with gatsby V2. I have pulled the new repo with gatsby V4 into a fresh folder to do the above testing.


running gatsby clean then redeploying resolved the issue.