konstantinmuenster / gatsby-theme-portfolio-minimal

A Gatsby Theme to create modern one-page portfolios with a clean yet expressive design.

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Using multiple of the same sections with different sessionIds shows incorrect content

willcode4food opened this issue · comments

Hi! Thank you so much for the theme. I haven't made a gatsby site in a while and the theming feature allows for a quick turnaround. I am having one issue however. I am using the AboutSection with multiple markdown files with unique filenames and section ids. However sometimes the pages with the AboutSection renders the incorrect piece of content. For example I have a file structure in the content folder like this

But the AboutSection component with a sectionId="safety" renders the about.md content. If I clear the cache it will sometimes render the correct content. This happens locally and on Netlify. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Looking through the code now, it appears there's no filtering on sectionId. I guess I made an incorrect assumption that the sectionId would provide this type of behavior. This issue should really be a feature request.

Hi @willcode4food and thanks for opening this issue! This could very well be the case - the use-case of adding the same section several times on a single page isn't 100% thought through at the moment 😄 I will take a look as soon as I can 🤞


Hi @willcode4food and thanks for opening this issue! This could very well be the case - the use-case of adding the same section several times on a single page isn't 100% thought through at the moment 😄 I will take a look as soon as I can 🤞

Actually run into the same problem, I tried using multiple AboutSections to separate Interests into different categories. Would be a nice addition in my opinion. Anyway, really cool project keep it up :)

I have the same issue as well.
has there been any updates since @enricoDec posted?
Thank you @konstantinmuenster for the amazing project!

There hasn't been any change unfortunately. If someone wants to pick up this issue, I would love to have a PR for it 🙌

Taking this on (at least for the Projects section) and will deliver a PR within the next days.

The feature is ready for review!