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An opinionated way of organizing front-end code in Ruby on Rails, based on components

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Sass & HAML

meneerprins opened this issue · comments

Would it be possible to just set the template language in an initializer? I use the hamlit gem (not haml-rails or something) but now komponent generates .erb files.

And for sass/scss, could it be possible to import one index file with all sass component partials? Since variables can't be used globally when each file is imported by the javascript.

Hello @meneerprins ,

For the first point:

Rails.application.config.generators.template_engine = :haml

For the second point, I need to investigate and discuss with @Spone about the need and find a solution to make it possible without list all files into one globally.

A possible solution is to create a file _variables.scss in frontend folder and import it in each sass/scss files you need variables.

// frontend/_colors.scss

$color: yellow;
// frontend/components/button/button.scss

@import '../../_colors';

.button {
  background-color: $color;

Hi @florentferry thanks for the tip, didn't know about that setting for HAML.

For the scss, that just doesn't look very practical, especially when you have a large project with a lot of components. In addition to that, variables are used in almost every file in my experience. Some sort of autogenerated _components.scss partial (sorted alphabetically) that you can manually include would be a nice addition imo.

Hi @meneerprins, good idea! We'll do some tests and keep you informed.

Solution 1:

  • Create a new file application.scss in frontend/packs
@import '../colors';
@import '../components/index';
  • Require it in application.js in frontend/packs
import './application.scss';
import 'components';
  • Create a new file index.scss in frontend/components and require components stylesheets into it.
@import './button/buttton';
  • Remove import './button.scss'; from frontend/components/button/button.js

So now, each components stylesheets have access to variables globally defined in colors file.

Hi @florentferry and @Spone,

I've ran into the same issue as @meneerprins. Your solution solves the usage of variables in components, but the price is that all imports done from the css file in the component break.

Say the button uses the following css:

.button {
    background-image: url("./button-background.png");

where the image is located at ./button/button-background.png.

With the proposed solution the loader will try to resolve ./button-background instead of ./button/button-background.png which shouldn't be the case as the image is part of the component.

Hello @Joralf,

I let @Spone respond to you, he uses Komponent in several projects, then he should have the same issue than you. I use the first method I mentioned, importing in each component.

Hi @Joralf

I don't have this issue, where all imports break. Can you please create a gist with code to reproduce the issue?

Thanks for the quick reaction guys!

@Spone, here's the gist: https://gist.github.com/Joralf/41923d3a22245c8dbd5e790b9e58aeee

This throws an error with:

ERROR in ./frontend/packs/entry.scss
Module build failed: ModuleNotFoundError: Module not found: Error: Can't resolve './test.jpg' in '/Users/joralf/Sites/myapp/frontend/packs'

Which makes sense, because the entry point of the scss file is now packs/entry.scss which means any url resolving is done from that path. You can "solve" this by changing the line to background-image: url('../components/test/test.jpg');, which means the css in the component needs to be aware of the path and is no longer "standalone". That would be a huge dealbreaker for me.

Another potential issue with the proposed solution is that all css is now accessible by any component in the tree. To prove this I've created a second gist:


When using the default Komponent way, css defined in the component folder is only accessible by the component itself (as it's loaded via the .js file in the component). With the proposed solution this is no longer the case.

Thanks @Joralf for taking the time to prepare the gists.

I agree with you that the most important here is to have "plug-and-play" components with proper encapsulation and no dependency to their path.

I feel that using a single entry point for each component (the .js file) is more true to the Webpack way. But it comes at the expense of not having access to variables without explicitely importing them.

Maybe we could keep it the current way, but include the variables CSS file to the Komponent install generator, and then import it in the default CSS template used by the component generator. This way, you wouldn't have to add the import manually for each component.

What do you think?

Hi @Spone and @florentferry ,

That sounds like a good solution. So it's a similar approach to #82 except that the css file you want to include on top will be dynamic?

Not sure what you mean about #82

Ah sorry. Maybe wrong comparison. But as far as I understand you want to make sure that:

@import '../../src/stylesheets/variables';

Will be added automatically to the top of every css file when you generate it via rails generate component xxx

Yes exactly. But I think that means we have to enforce a convention for naming this file.

For instance I use ../../base/variables.scss but you use ../../src/stylesheets/variables

Also, I think we want to @import with a path based on Komponent's root, so we don't need the ../../ in front of the path. We would be able to simply do @import "base/variables";

Would that work for you?

Yeah, I'm fine with forcing the name/location for the file. And that import statement would make it a lot easier!

Ok, I created a issue for that: #88 and I'm closing this one.