kokuwaio / helm-maven-plugin

Simple plugin to package helm charts

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

`helm:push` without tls verify does not work (unsolved helm issue)

sschnabe opened this issue · comments

          Hi @sschnabe, I'm using version 6.9.0 of the plugin and I still have this issue: adding the insecure flag only fixes the _helm:registry-login_ issue, but not the **helm:push** one:
[INFO] --- helm-maven-plugin:6.9.0:push (default-cli) @ core ---
[INFO] Use 3.12.2 as helm version
[INFO] Uploading /home/daniele/workspace/dan-shop-core/target/helm/repo/dan-shop-core-service-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.tgz...
[ERROR] Error: failed to do request: Head "https://minikube.nexus-docker-dan-snapshot-http:30501/v2/dan-shop-core-service/blobs/sha256:168262311e5e887e5a61229248000d146d3691647fd080d39a7d04cebdd910bf": http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client

I'm running the following command:

 mvn helm:init helm:dependency-build helm:lint helm:package helm:registry-login helm:push

And here is the plugin configuration:



Originally posted by @danparisi in #302 (comment)

@danparisi: can your provide me some debug information's? Can you execute maven with mvn helm:push -X. Should look like this:

INFO] --- helm:6.10.0-SNAPSHOT:push (default) @ helm-maven-plugin-it-push-without-auth ---
[DEBUG]   (s) insecure = true
[DEBUG] -- end configuration --
[DEBUG] helm version unknown
[INFO] No credentials found for test in configuration or settings.xml server list.
[DEBUG] Found chart file for upload: .../target/helm/repo/app-1.0.0.tgz
[INFO] Uploading .../target/helm/repo/app-1.0.0.tgz...  --insecure-skip-tls-verify
[DEBUG] Execute: .../helm push .../target/helm/repo/app-1.0.0.tgz oci://

Can you verify that insecure is set to true and can you paste the line with Execute: (the used helm command).

Hi @sschnabe,
Thanks for the quick response, Id id further investigation and figured out the BUG is not here but on helm binary.

More information in my comment here (workaround included):

Thanks anyway a lot for the support

Fixed here #336, can be closed

Thx for the reminder.