kokuwaio / helm-maven-plugin

Simple plugin to package helm charts

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Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

[6.1.0] Cannot login to oci registry in push goal

SpacePh opened this issue · comments

Is this a BUG REPORT or FEATURE REQUEST? (choose one):

Environment (plugin version, maven version, OS, ...):
Maven: 3.6.3
Plugin: 6.1.0
OS: Ubuntu 20.04

What happened:
The login part of the push goal is not working. This part is skipped if I define a password in the configuration, but if I define the username but no password, the login part is executed (fails because of the missing password).

What you expected to happen:
If I define username and password, I expect that the login part is executed.

Anything else we need to know:

      if (registry.getUsername() != null && registry.getPassword() == null) {
                    getHelmExecuteablePath() +
                    "can't login to registry", true, registry.getPassword());

The PushMojo class have an incorrect condition (line 60 in current 6.1.0 version). The second condition should be:
registry.getPassword() != null

@SpacePh Can you check version 3.1.1-SNAPSHOT?


Tested that version and I was able to push successfully.

Thanks :)

6.1.1 is available in maven central.