koka-lang / madoko

Madoko is a fast markdown processor for high quality academic and technical articles

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Madoko for training slides

michaeldg opened this issue · comments

Hi Daan,

What a nice project! I liked it the moment I found it.

I am planning to use madoko for slides for another open-source project that also partners with your company: MariaDB.

I like that you provide service to your end-users by running this on madoko.net but the way it is set up limits the use for a quite some users: By allowing access to github you allow the owner of your github account to COMMIT to each of our repositories. This means you could commit sourcecode to our projects. For more enterprise-type users it means you have access to their intellectual property.

For now, I have these things on my to-do list:

  • Change github client token so we control who has access to our git accounts - preferably make it configurable
  • Make remote storage methods configurable so we can disable the ones we do not want to make secure
  • Implement git commits in local storage module so we can commit locally while working on slides while in the air - mirror the commits to github as soon as we have internet.
  • Deduplication: Create a way to combine a slide deck from a couple of markdown files
  • Template: Create a template in our company style

I would be happy to hear thoughts and/or objections. I would like to contribute back to your project.

Dank alvast // thank you,