kogitant / sonar-slack-notifier-plugin

SonarQube plugin for sending notifications to Slack

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

Tests fail in locales that use , as decimal separator instead of .

kogitant opened this issue · comments

Adding this to pom.xml avoids the problem:

  <!-- JaCoCo support -->
    <argLine>-Duser.language=en -Duser.region=GB</argLine>
Failed tests:
  DecimalFormattingLearningTest.howIsStringWithDotAsDecimalSeparatorTreated:19 expected:<"75[.]5"> but was:<"75[,]5">
  DecimalFormattingLearningTest.howIsStringWithDotAsDecimalSeparatorTreated_case2:30 expected:<"75[.]51"> but was:<"75[,]51">
  DecimalFormattingLearningTest.howIsStringWithDotAsDecimalSeparatorTreated_case3:43 expected:<"86[.]67"> but was:<"86[,]67">
  ProjectAnalysisPayloadBuilderTest.testPayloadBuilder:61 expected:<...ew Code: OK, value=0[.01%, warning if >2.0%, error if >10.0%, valueShortEnough=
false), Field(title=Coverage on New Code: ERROR, value=75.]51%, error if <80.0%...> but was:<...ew Code: OK, value=0[,01%, warning if >2.0%, error if
>10.0%, valueShortEnough=false), Field(title=Coverage on New Code: ERROR, value=75,]51%, error if <80.0%...>

Tests run: 12, Failures: 4, Errors: 0, Skipped: 0