koenrh / delete-tweets

Delete tweets from your timeline.

Geek Repo:Geek Repo

Github PK Tool:Github PK Tool

One precision in directions

BorisAnthony opened this issue · comments

"Unpack the archive, and move tweet.js to the same directory as this script."
This is not clear. What directory?
The directory where delete-tweets gets installed by Pip? (Which would be "/usr/local/bin/delete-tweets")
Or the directory we're running the script from (assuming the shell is always somehow "in" a directory")?
Or… what? Where? :)

Thanks for clarifying!

Hello @BorisAnthony,

That needs updating. It doesn't matter where the tweet.js file is stored. It should read:

Unpack the archive, and move tweet.js to a directory as this script.

If you have stored the file in /Users/foo/tweet.json, you can call the script with that location as argument:

delete-tweets --until 2018-01-01 /Users/foo/tweet.js

Thanks for flagging. I'll update the README.