koekeishiya / yabai

A tiling window manager for macOS based on binary space partitioning

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Yabai + Arc spaces switching

corruptmane opened this issue · comments

When I switch from space with Arc browser to the first space (Desktop 1), I can see in MacOS native status-bar that focus did change to the window that is on the first space, but then immediately focus changes back to Arc while space is opened. Command that I'm using to switch between spaces is next:

yabai -m space --focus 1 || yabai -m space --focus recent; sketchybar --trigger window_focus

The issue persists regardless if I'm using skhd or execute command directly from terminal.

Here is a little screen recording of the issue:


I have to mention that this issue does persist only when switching from any space with Arc in focus to first space. The application that is launched in first space does not matter, focus does not switch to neither kitty nor telegram nor spotify. No errors were printed when trying to switch spaces from terminal as well as no errors in yabai log file. yabai version is yabai-v7.1.0.

Also happens to me when but I'm using Microsoft Edge.

MS Edge is in Space 1 and if I switch to an empty Space (3), it goes back to Space 1. But if I switch back again, the problem doesn't occur


It seems that the problem I had got fixed after disabling When switching to an application...
