koekeishiya / yabai

A tiling window manager for macOS based on binary space partitioning

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Yabai + Tmux + Neovim

nikth0 opened this issue · comments

Is there any way to for yabai + tmux + neovim to communicate with each other when doing pane switching. Currently i can get tmux and neovim to work together with a plugin from tmux. But i can't seem to find a way for it to work 3 ways on one hotkey.
For example:

  • Left: CTRL+h
  • Right: CTRL+l
  • Up: CTRL+k
  • Down: CTRL+j

Yep, I managed to get it working with tmux/nvim/yabai pane nav & resizing across windows & displays:


I made a change to the above by adding || true to the end of the yabai commands so it fails quietly otherwise tmux flashes an annoying full-pane message if you accidentally try to navigate with nowhere to go. ie:

run 'yabai -m window --focus west || yabai -m display --focus west || true'

The only thing that doesn't work is nested tmux sessions in ssh but I'm saving that problem for the next time I fancy debossed keycap outlines on my forehead trying to figure out tmux config syntax.