koekeishiya / yabai

A tiling window manager for macOS based on binary space partitioning

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`focus_follows_mouse` stops working

farzadmf opened this issue · comments

Hi, the foucs_follows_mouse is a SUPER important feature to me (I've set it to autofocus).

After the recent yabai update, the feature seems to be very unreliable, and it stops working.

Yesterday, I noticed that when I was focusing Chrome, it stops working, so I closed Chrome and re-opened, and it was fine. But, today, after restarting my computer, it just stops working 2 seconds after I restart yabai.

I must add that this might be coming from MacOS itself, since my alternate solution (AutoRaise) seems to not be working either.

Is there any way I can help debug this issue? It broke my whole flow of using stupid MacOS 🙁

I have the same issue, my workaround rn is to have a shell script execute yabai -m config focus_follows_mouse autofocus every 60 seconds :D that works perfectly so far

For fish:

while True; yabai -m config focus_follows_mouse autofocus; sleep 60; end

Same here!

Same here.

Ended up doing the same as @supermar1010 because can't live without, but it bothers me...
For zsh:

for ((;;))source ~/.yabairc && sleep 60

with .yabairc containing yabai -m config focus_follows_mouse autofocus

I think (not 100% sure TBH) that if I run yabai from the command line (basically do a yabai --stop-service and "manually" run it using yabai (or yabai -V of you want to see the logs), it seems to be working fine.

The reason I said I "think" it's working is that, for now, I have to be single monitor (and I have a single window per monitor), so I can't fully test it for now

EDIT: well, I spoke too soon; it's not working, so I think I also need to go the yabai -m config ... route 🤷

same here, it stops working after a few seconds :(

Upgrading to 14.5 beta seems to have fixed it for me, for now!

Edit: Stopped working :(

14.4.1 here, same thing. Configured the script to run every 60s and on startup and its now working properly. Didnt want to do this, but can't live without it.

You guys are too patient, I'm doing it every 2s 😆

Thanks for the fix guys, it was driving me crazy, hope this gets fixed soon 🙏🏼